The Dakota repaint took place over the 2022/2023 winter closed period. Thanks to all the volunteers who have contributed to this page and in particular those who have been cleaning, washing, painting and organising the project ready for you to see when you visit.
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We have a 1944 C-47A Dakota at the Metheringham Airfield Visitor Centre, an accredited museum and registered charity in Lincolnshire, UK. The Dakota has recently been housed in a purpose built hangar after several years of display in the open air. We have a maintenance and restoration programme with an aim to restore it fully back to it's 1944 appearance. It is currently on display and open to the public.
Although RAF Metheringham was primarily a Lancaster bomber base in WW2, some USAAF Dakotas did operate through the airfield in a Medivac role, transporting casualties to and from the US Military Hospital at nearby Nocton Hall after D-Day.
The paint finish had faded badly over the years outside and we have repainted the aircraft in USAAF colours on the port side, to reflect the numerous aircraft that operated in the Medivac role through RAF Metheringham. The starboard side will be in RAF markings, the actual identity of this C-47 was KG651 when it was delivered to the RAF in June 1944 from the USA.
The identity of the RAF side is fixed by history but the USAAF side is painted to represent a European Theatre of Operations 1944-45 USAAF C-47. The basic scheme are standard colours of Dark Olive Drab over Neutral Gray, with D-Day invasion stripes.
Although RAF Metheringham was primarily a Lancaster bomber base in WW2, some USAAF Dakotas did operate through the airfield in a Medivac role, transporting casualties to and from the US Military Hospital at nearby Nocton Hall after D-Day.
The paint finish had faded badly over the years outside and we have repainted the aircraft in USAAF colours on the port side, to reflect the numerous aircraft that operated in the Medivac role through RAF Metheringham. The starboard side will be in RAF markings, the actual identity of this C-47 was KG651 when it was delivered to the RAF in June 1944 from the USA.
The identity of the RAF side is fixed by history but the USAAF side is painted to represent a European Theatre of Operations 1944-45 USAAF C-47. The basic scheme are standard colours of Dark Olive Drab over Neutral Gray, with D-Day invasion stripes.
Follow the progress of the project from September 22 to July 23
27th July 2023
1st September 2022.
Under Ian's lead, the preparation and testing of the paint to be applied has started on certain parts of the aircraft. Namely on the underside of the starboard wing. Ian has also been busy prepping the upper starboard wing ready for testing. This is by way of ensuring that we are going to be happy with the final coat whenever applied.
Under Ian's lead, the preparation and testing of the paint to be applied has started on certain parts of the aircraft. Namely on the underside of the starboard wing. Ian has also been busy prepping the upper starboard wing ready for testing. This is by way of ensuring that we are going to be happy with the final coat whenever applied.
7th September 2022.
This was a test applied to the upper starboard wing but you can now see the difference in colour. The leading edge (darker colour) is going to be very near to what we are after.
This was a test applied to the upper starboard wing but you can now see the difference in colour. The leading edge (darker colour) is going to be very near to what we are after.
2nd October 2022.
Two photographs of the underside of the Starboard wing which has now been painted. Hopefully you can see the difference between the new paint and the lighter shade of the underside parts still to be painted.
Two photographs of the underside of the Starboard wing which has now been painted. Hopefully you can see the difference between the new paint and the lighter shade of the underside parts still to be painted.
9th October 2022.
You can now see the difference on the topside of the Starboard wing. Roundel has not been touched yet; that will be later.
You can now see the difference on the topside of the Starboard wing. Roundel has not been touched yet; that will be later.
5th November 2022
Prepping the paintwork for the repaint has really taken off now we have entered the Close season to Visitors. In addition to the cleaning work, we have also taken off the elevators for the fabric to be re-done and the tail section ready for the removal of the rudder. The new engine is also receiving attention prior to next year.
Prepping the paintwork for the repaint has really taken off now we have entered the Close season to Visitors. In addition to the cleaning work, we have also taken off the elevators for the fabric to be re-done and the tail section ready for the removal of the rudder. The new engine is also receiving attention prior to next year.
9th November 2022
Terry, our lead painter, discusses with Ian whereabouts the Star and Bar is going to be positioned on the Port side.
Terry, our lead painter, discusses with Ian whereabouts the Star and Bar is going to be positioned on the Port side.
12th November 2022
Today was the start of 4 days with our hired Cherry Picker. After some outdoor training it was time to put it to use inside. First job was to install a block and pulley so that the rudder could be removed. This took us longer than anticipated due to a reluctant bolt. However, whilst the majority of the team struggled with that, Ian and Paul took to the cradle and started washing down the front of the fuselage. Terry, meantime was busy mixing paint ready for the main day and grinding out the raised edges of the roundel.
Today was the start of 4 days with our hired Cherry Picker. After some outdoor training it was time to put it to use inside. First job was to install a block and pulley so that the rudder could be removed. This took us longer than anticipated due to a reluctant bolt. However, whilst the majority of the team struggled with that, Ian and Paul took to the cradle and started washing down the front of the fuselage. Terry, meantime was busy mixing paint ready for the main day and grinding out the raised edges of the roundel.
13th November 2022
A bit more prep work today but mostly it was down to actual painting of the aircraft. Space left for the D-Day Stripes to be painted on.
A bit more prep work today but mostly it was down to actual painting of the aircraft. Space left for the D-Day Stripes to be painted on.
14th November 2022
Achievements today included Bill fixing the top antenna mount on the tail and later painted by Ian. Craig and Brian cleaning the port wing (more Craig than Brian!). Terry tiding up some of the previous paintwork and testing his spray gun for the wavy line to be applied later. Paul and Josh helping out later in the day. Many thanks here to Phil White of PWT Hire Ltd for the hire of the Scissors Lifter, which has made all those high jobs a lot, lot easier.
Achievements today included Bill fixing the top antenna mount on the tail and later painted by Ian. Craig and Brian cleaning the port wing (more Craig than Brian!). Terry tiding up some of the previous paintwork and testing his spray gun for the wavy line to be applied later. Paul and Josh helping out later in the day. Many thanks here to Phil White of PWT Hire Ltd for the hire of the Scissors Lifter, which has made all those high jobs a lot, lot easier.
15th November 2022
Whilst it was a miserable day outside: inside the hangar, we cracked on. De-icing boot applied; new paint line at the rear chosen; underside of the complete tail section completed; roundels smoothed out; wing dent fixed and a few more bits and pieces done.
Whilst it was a miserable day outside: inside the hangar, we cracked on. De-icing boot applied; new paint line at the rear chosen; underside of the complete tail section completed; roundels smoothed out; wing dent fixed and a few more bits and pieces done.
19th November 2022
The paint is drying nicely now despite the conditions in the hangar. Today Craig painted the Port upper wing whilst Jim did the cowling and nacelle; Brian painted the Starboard walkway and Ian was busy masking the tail ready for the de-icing boot appearance. Photos by Nick Taylor
The paint is drying nicely now despite the conditions in the hangar. Today Craig painted the Port upper wing whilst Jim did the cowling and nacelle; Brian painted the Starboard walkway and Ian was busy masking the tail ready for the de-icing boot appearance. Photos by Nick Taylor
26th November 2022
Rather cool in the hangar as may be expected at the moment. Today, however, we had Trevor visit us to look at how we go about applying new canvas to all the control surfaces e.g. Rudder, Ailerons and Elevators. First job was to remove the existing surface from the rudder and inspect the metalwork underneath. Photos of Trevor together with Jim, Josh and Paul
Rather cool in the hangar as may be expected at the moment. Today, however, we had Trevor visit us to look at how we go about applying new canvas to all the control surfaces e.g. Rudder, Ailerons and Elevators. First job was to remove the existing surface from the rudder and inspect the metalwork underneath. Photos of Trevor together with Jim, Josh and Paul
3rd December 2022
Rudder frame looking like new and now ready to receive the canvas wrapping. Third engine also coming along nicely thanks to Bill.
Rudder frame looking like new and now ready to receive the canvas wrapping. Third engine also coming along nicely thanks to Bill.
7th December 2022
Trevor returned today to instruct in how to apply the fabric to the rudder. Seen here with Ian at the start of the process.
Trevor returned today to instruct in how to apply the fabric to the rudder. Seen here with Ian at the start of the process.
10th December 2022
Trevor and Ian doing the ironing! Joined later by Jim. The fabric being used is something akin to electrical heat-shrink in that once it is heated, it shrinks and in this case pulls taunt across the frame. Photo of Jim taken by Ian. Bill has also been busy painting the engine cylinders.
Trevor and Ian doing the ironing! Joined later by Jim. The fabric being used is something akin to electrical heat-shrink in that once it is heated, it shrinks and in this case pulls taunt across the frame. Photo of Jim taken by Ian. Bill has also been busy painting the engine cylinders.
7th January 2023.
Moving along at pace on the Port side now with the initial D-Day stripe underneath the wing. The Ice-boot applied and Ian, Josh and Terry measuring up for the position of the Star and Bar. Photos by Nick Taylor
Moving along at pace on the Port side now with the initial D-Day stripe underneath the wing. The Ice-boot applied and Ian, Josh and Terry measuring up for the position of the Star and Bar. Photos by Nick Taylor
14th January 2023.
Beginning to see the end in site now. Ian, Terry and Jim were once again very busy in the hangar. D-Day stripe now complete underneath the Port wing and Terry was getting ready to paint the Bar and Star. In accordance with what transpired after D-Day, the Stripes are only going to be visible from underneath the fuselage. It was found to present the Germans with a very clear target whilst aircraft were on the ground, resulting in them being hastily painted over. Our new hangar display this year: a 1944 Willys Jeep, which we have on loan, is looking resplendent and ready to take her place next to the completed C47. The spare engine that Bill has been working on is also about ready to be put back together. Photos: Brian McInnes
Beginning to see the end in site now. Ian, Terry and Jim were once again very busy in the hangar. D-Day stripe now complete underneath the Port wing and Terry was getting ready to paint the Bar and Star. In accordance with what transpired after D-Day, the Stripes are only going to be visible from underneath the fuselage. It was found to present the Germans with a very clear target whilst aircraft were on the ground, resulting in them being hastily painted over. Our new hangar display this year: a 1944 Willys Jeep, which we have on loan, is looking resplendent and ready to take her place next to the completed C47. The spare engine that Bill has been working on is also about ready to be put back together. Photos: Brian McInnes
18th January 2023.
Another busy day in the hangar if somewhat a fraught one as we put the rudder and tail back on the aircraft. The Rudder finally sitting pretty after numerous attempts. The protagonists being Ian, Jim, Paul, Josh, Bill and Brian, who still remain friends, whilst Terry wisely stuck to the painting. Photos: Josh Tucker and Brian McInnes
Another busy day in the hangar if somewhat a fraught one as we put the rudder and tail back on the aircraft. The Rudder finally sitting pretty after numerous attempts. The protagonists being Ian, Jim, Paul, Josh, Bill and Brian, who still remain friends, whilst Terry wisely stuck to the painting. Photos: Josh Tucker and Brian McInnes
21st January 2023.
Jim was busy today painting the Control Surfaces; Bill was tinkering with an engine whilst it was a case of measure three times, paint once for Rick, Ian and Josh with the fuselage Invasion Stripes. Photos: Brian McInnes
Jim was busy today painting the Control Surfaces; Bill was tinkering with an engine whilst it was a case of measure three times, paint once for Rick, Ian and Josh with the fuselage Invasion Stripes. Photos: Brian McInnes
28th January 2023.
Photos from today's progress showing Terry painting the RAF Roundel; the Bar and Star mapped out; Jim and Rick painting an elevator; Ian powder coating an exhaust; Paul painting the 3rd engine and Bill working his manufacturing magic with a hacksaw. Rick and Josh were later to give the starboard wing another coat of paint. Photos: Brian McInnes
Photos from today's progress showing Terry painting the RAF Roundel; the Bar and Star mapped out; Jim and Rick painting an elevator; Ian powder coating an exhaust; Paul painting the 3rd engine and Bill working his manufacturing magic with a hacksaw. Rick and Josh were later to give the starboard wing another coat of paint. Photos: Brian McInnes
1st February 2023.
Volunteers were back in the hangar today cracking on with all those jobs that need doing to get the Dakota ready for the new season. Jim and Brian gave the elevators a second coat of paint; Ian repainted the starboard wing tip; Bill got the first cylinder back on the display engine. Ian and Jim can be seen masking out the Bar and Star. Terry and his little helper (Brian) got on with the process of cutting in the wavy line. Photos: Brian McInnes. Photo of Jim finishing off the Bar and Star and Terry at the nose of the aircraft by Ian Brett
Volunteers were back in the hangar today cracking on with all those jobs that need doing to get the Dakota ready for the new season. Jim and Brian gave the elevators a second coat of paint; Ian repainted the starboard wing tip; Bill got the first cylinder back on the display engine. Ian and Jim can be seen masking out the Bar and Star. Terry and his little helper (Brian) got on with the process of cutting in the wavy line. Photos: Brian McInnes. Photo of Jim finishing off the Bar and Star and Terry at the nose of the aircraft by Ian Brett
4th February 2023
Only one photo to add today taken by Ian Brett but this does not show the effort that was put in. The Starboard aileron has been put back on and this completes that wing. Ian completed the Roundel on the same wing. A service platform was built up to enable easier painting of the tail numbers and more cylinders were installed back into the display engine. Terry was painting the Yellow on the fuselage Roundel and smartening up the Bar and Star.
Only one photo to add today taken by Ian Brett but this does not show the effort that was put in. The Starboard aileron has been put back on and this completes that wing. Ian completed the Roundel on the same wing. A service platform was built up to enable easier painting of the tail numbers and more cylinders were installed back into the display engine. Terry was painting the Yellow on the fuselage Roundel and smartening up the Bar and Star.
8th February 2023
Lots of photos from today's efforts and catching up on last week.
Lots of photos from today's efforts and catching up on last week.
15th February 2023
Terry was once again very busy today touching up the Order Number on the Port Side. This is the genuine Order Number assigned to this C47 before she became KG651 with the RAF.
He also made a start on the Radio Call letter on the tail fin.
Jim was busy touching up areas that required a second or third coat whilst Ian, Tony and new volunteer, also named Ian, attended to the 1944 Willys Jeep that will be on display this year. They were joined by Paul in the afternoon. Photos: Brian McInnes
Terry was once again very busy today touching up the Order Number on the Port Side. This is the genuine Order Number assigned to this C47 before she became KG651 with the RAF.
He also made a start on the Radio Call letter on the tail fin.
Jim was busy touching up areas that required a second or third coat whilst Ian, Tony and new volunteer, also named Ian, attended to the 1944 Willys Jeep that will be on display this year. They were joined by Paul in the afternoon. Photos: Brian McInnes
18th February 2023
A bit of a quieter day today but still with lots achieved. Ian, Jim, Craig and Brian put the Airspeed Horsa Glider together and after a multitude of "to you!", "to me!", managed to get it installed underneath the Starboard wing of the Dakota, Craig and Ian then took the Willys jeep out for a washdown before bringing it back into the hangar. Bill was looking at what needs doing next on the 3rd engine and having a quick look inside the Horsa. Photos: Brian McInnes
A bit of a quieter day today but still with lots achieved. Ian, Jim, Craig and Brian put the Airspeed Horsa Glider together and after a multitude of "to you!", "to me!", managed to get it installed underneath the Starboard wing of the Dakota, Craig and Ian then took the Willys jeep out for a washdown before bringing it back into the hangar. Bill was looking at what needs doing next on the 3rd engine and having a quick look inside the Horsa. Photos: Brian McInnes
25th February 2023
The undercoat for the squadron letters (24 Squadron) NQ and a designation letter T has been added to the RAF side of the aircraft are in place and the elevator is being refitted. Terry the painter has now marked out the KG651 too and it will be fully painted shortly.
The undercoat for the squadron letters (24 Squadron) NQ and a designation letter T has been added to the RAF side of the aircraft are in place and the elevator is being refitted. Terry the painter has now marked out the KG651 too and it will be fully painted shortly.
11th March 2023
The stars and bars are now complete on the USAF side of the aircraft and the undercoat was applied by Terry on the American designation letters 3I, these represent the RAF Barkston Heath 14th Troop Carrier Squadron. The RAF designation is now completed in red. Also you can now see the 'washing line' aerials that haven't been on the aircraft since its Air Atlantique days. Hidden from view is Rick who cleaned the inside of the aircraft from top to bottom.The hangar is almost ready for visitors to see all the hard work that has been going on over the winter.
The stars and bars are now complete on the USAF side of the aircraft and the undercoat was applied by Terry on the American designation letters 3I, these represent the RAF Barkston Heath 14th Troop Carrier Squadron. The RAF designation is now completed in red. Also you can now see the 'washing line' aerials that haven't been on the aircraft since its Air Atlantique days. Hidden from view is Rick who cleaned the inside of the aircraft from top to bottom.The hangar is almost ready for visitors to see all the hard work that has been going on over the winter.