This gallery contains images that capture activities that were carried out on a typical Bomber Command station in WW2. From routine jobs such as servicing and re-arming bombers through to unusual shots of personnel relaxing, Station Life captures RAF folk going about there day to day lives. If you can provide any additional information on any of these photos then please contact us.
Pets and Mascots
The pets and animal mascots of squadron crews and ground staff were an important part of "Station Life". Some pets, like Guy Gibson's black labrador "Nigger" are almost as famous as their owners. At a time when crews faced death on a daily basis, the therapeutic effect of having a loyal and faithful dog around the base must have been enormous. It is now widely acknowledged that the company of animals has a positive effect on humans and that they can be particularly beneficial to people in stressful situations. The pets and mascots of RAF personnel really played a huge part in maintaining morale. #LestWeForget